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Ovidiu Pop

Secretar Consiliu Director

Nascut in la Jibou judetul Salaj, isi petrece majoritatea copilariei in Oradea. Urmeaza Colegiul National "Emanoil Gojdu" din Oradea pe care il finalizeaza in 1993. Este licentiat al UMF Carol Davila din Bucuresti 1999 (absolvent Universitatea din Oradea). Dupa anul de stagiatura sustine Examenul National de Rezidentiat unde isi alege specialitatea de anatomie-patologica. O parte a rezidentiatului o desfasoara in Gyula-Ungaria. In 2005 si 2010 sustine examenele de specialitate , respectiv de primariat in cadrul UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti.

In anul 2001 isi incepe cariera universitara ca preparator la Disciplina de Anatomie, iar ulterior sub mentoratul Prof. Univ Dr George Simu devine asistent universitar la Disciplina de Morfopatologie. Trece prin toate treptele carierei universitare si devine sef de lucrari, conferentiar universitar si in final profesor universitar.

Urmeza stagii de pregatire in strainatate si sustine numeroase examene de competenta si certificare in Europa. Se dedica patologiei mamare, pulmonare precum si hematopatologiei. Este implicat in diagnosticul si pregatirea in domeniul biomarkerilor in Romania si Europa.

Este implicat in numeroase proiecte de cercetare si studii clinice.

Face parte din comisii de specialitate ale Ministerului Sanatatii si ale Colegiului Medicilor din Romania. Este reprezentantul Romaniei la UEMS.

Este unul dintre membrii fondatori UNIPAT.

Born in Jibou, Sălaj County, he spent most of his childhood in Oradea. He attended the "Emanoil Gojdu" National College in Oradea, graduating in 1993. He earned his degree from the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest in 1999 (a graduate of the University of Oradea). After his internship year, he took the National Residency Exam, choosing the specialty of anatomical pathology. Part of his residency was completed in Gyula, Hungary. In 2005 and 2010, he took the specialty and primary exams at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

In 2001, he began his academic career as an instructor in the Department of Anatomy and later, under the mentorship of Professor Dr. George Simu, became a university assistant in the Department of Morphopathology. He progressed through all academic ranks, becoming a lecturer, associate professor, and finally, a full professor.

He pursued training abroad and obtained numerous competency and certification exams in Europe. He is dedicated to breast pathology, pulmonary pathology, and hematopathology. He is involved in diagnostics and training in the field of biomarkers in Romania and Europe.

He is involved in numerous research projects and clinical studies. He is part of specialty committees of the Ministry of Health and the College of Physicians of Romania. He represents Romania in the UEMS. He is one of the founding members of UNIPAT.


Ovidiu Pop
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