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Diana Ionescu

Președinte UNIPAT

Dr. Diana Ionescu este absolventa a Facultății de Medicină Generală a Universității de Medicină și Farmacie „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca (1995) si a programului de rezidentiat cu dubla specializare in anatomie patologica si medicina de laborator al Universitatii Pittsburgh Medical Center (2005), cu subspecializare in patologia ginecologică la Vancouver General Hospital (2006). Este medic specialist anatomo patolog cu certificare in Canada (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, RCPSC) si SUA (American Board of Pathology). În prezent este profesor de patologie la University of British Columbia si medic patolog consultant si director de anatomie patologica la Institutul Oncologic din British Columbia (BC Cancer Agency), si directorul medical al laboratorului provinciei BC pentru screeningul cancerului de col uterin. Are exertiza clinica in cancerele ginecologice, de san si cancerele toracice . Este autoarea a peste 70 de publicații științifice și articole, capitole de carte in patologia pulmonara, si este invitata ca prezentator la conferinte si seminarii de patologie si oncologie in Canada, USA si Romania. Cercetarile sale includ patologia oncologică, biomarkerii moleculari si cancerul pulmonar. Dr. Ionescu este directoarea cursului canadian de anatomie patologica si moleculară (CAMP, si a seriei online de patologie oncologica (CAMP PODS,, purtator de cuvind pentru College of American Pathologists (CAP), reporter si moderator la ROMPOST TV in Vancouver, Canada.

Dr. Diana Ionescu graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at the "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj Napoca (1995) and the dual residency program in anatomical pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (2005), with a subspecialty in gynecological pathology at Vancouver General Hospital (2006). She is a certified specialist in anatomical pathology in Canada (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, RCPSC) and the USA (American Board of Pathology). She is currently a Professor of Pathology at the University of British Columbia, a Consultant Pathologist, and Director of Anatomical Pathology at the British Columbia Cancer Agency (BC Cancer Agency), as well as the Medical Director of the provincial laboratory for cervical cancer screening in BC. She has clinical expertise in gynecological cancers, breast cancer, and thoracic cancers. She is the author of over 70 scientific publications and articles, book chapters in pulmonary pathology, and is invited as a presenter at pathology and oncology conferences and seminars in Canada, the USA, and Romania. Her research includes oncologic pathology, molecular biomarkers, and lung cancer. Dr. Ionescu is the director of the Canadian Course of Anatomical and Molecular Pathology (CAMP, and the online series of oncologic pathology (CAMP PODS,, spokesperson for the College of American Pathologists (CAP), and a reporter and moderator at ROMPOST TV in Vancouver, Canada.


Diana Ionescu
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